Hey, buddies! I hope you good! I am currently so bored so as you can see I spent much more time working on the blog. First of all, I’d like to thank you all for reading my blog, I can see the number growing every single day and I am so glad and proud to be able to live this adventure!
Spring is my favorite season. For this month outfit, I am wearing a dress from one of my favorite clothing brand: Maje. I discovered this brand a year ago and I love the materials they use and also the design wich is always flawless and unique. I like customize my clothing so I have cut the slot myself. Be careful if you want to do something like this with this kind of clothes!!!
I wear this dress for many kinds of occasion. For day or evening, for serious meetings or chill afternoons with my friends. It is kind of my perfect little black dress!
Here again, Adam Quesada shot the pictures. You will excuse the fact that my eyes are swollen but the photoshoots at 7:00 am on a Saturday morning, that’s not the easiest thing to do. Haha!
This attire looks classy!! xo